This is not an easy answer. You may find a check in your account but no written notice. You may get written notice but no check. Either may come first. You may get a monthly check but not a retroactive check. If you are approved on SSI only, you will be called in for a financial update. If you have a municipal welfare lien for cash assistance or t…temporary rental assistance, Welfare will be reimbursed first. If you have are approved for both Title II and SSI, SSI should be processed first so that Welfare liens can be covered. You may get monthly checks first and retroactive checks second. If you have federal or state liens or child support or alimony liens, the liens will be paid first from the retroactive check. If there are remaining retroactive benefits, attorney fees are supposed to be paid next and finally, the claimant gets the balance. Also, SSI payments are broken into 3 – six month installments. Please consult your local SSA office and your attorney for additional guidance. It will all eventually work out!
Contact a New Jersey Social Security Disability Lawyer
If you want to know more about your rights or face an uphill battle getting the SSD benefits you deserve in the state of New Jersey, contact us today for your free consultation.