It is nothing less than devastating when you incur a spinal cord injury in the aftermath of a catastrophic accident or otherwise. Not only may your quality of life become diminished, but unfortunately, you may find it all the more difficult to hold a job. This is when you may need to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Read on to discover how this type of injury might hurt your chances of gainful employment and how one of the seasoned attorneys for Social Security benefits for spinal cord injuries, at The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur, can help you seek aid.

How can a spinal cord injury hinder my chances of gainful employment?

The spinal cord works to control various bodily functions, such as motor functions, sensory functions, and autonomic functions. More specific examples are as follows:

  • Motor functions:
    • The voluntary movement of extensor muscles.
    • The voluntary movement of flexor muscles.
    • The voluntary movement of oblique muscles.
  • Sensory functions:
    • The sensation of touch or pressure.
    • The sensation of temperature.
    • The sensation of pain.
  • Autonomic functions:
    • The regulation of digestion.
    • The regulation of urination.
    • The regulation of blood pressure.

So when there is damage to this body part, your consequential health issues may make it difficult to earn gainful employment. More specific examples are as follows:

  • A significant loss of bladder or bowel control may be uncomfortable to deal with in a workplace setting.
  • A significant struggle with bouts of hot and cold sensations may be difficult to navigate in a workplace setting.
  • A significant pain from damaged nerve fibers may distract from your job productivity or the type of work you may perform.
  • A significant struggle with breathing may inhibit your job performance or the type of work you may perform.

For these aforementioned reasons, the Social Security Administration (SSA) typically recognizes spinal cord injuries as eligible for SSDI benefits.

How can an attorney help me seek recovery?

It is worth mentioning that, unfortunately, applying for SSDI benefits may not come easy. There are many moving parts to this application, especially if it ultimately results in a denial by the SSA. This is why it is in your best interest to file your claim alongside a proficient New Jersey SSDI benefits attorney. That is, an attorney may help you in seeking recovery in the following ways:

  • An attorney may be present upon gathering evidence of your spinal cord injury.
  • An attorney may be present upon appealing your initial denial.
  • An attorney may be present upon appealing your reconsideration denial.
  • An attorney may be present at the hearings in front of the Appeals Court and Federal Court.

You must be proactive in pursuing your SSDI benefits. This starts with retaining the services of one of the competent attorneys for physical disability SSDI benefits in New Jersey. Call The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur today.