We all get stressed from time to time. While it is normal, especially when individuals in New Jersey and elsewhere are going through a hard time because of work, relationship, family or financial problems, it is problematic when these stresses cause one to suffer anxiety or depression. These mental conditions can take over a person’s life, making it difficult for them to maintain a normal life, care for him or herself or even go to work.
What is anxiety disorder, what are the signs and how can you address it? Currently, it is estimated that 2.6 billion people in the world suffer from anxiety disorder. That means roughly one-third of the world’s population are living with this disorder. Clinical anxiety can range greatly from person to person It can take the form of fretfulness, distractedness and even panic attacks. No matter what symptoms a person experiences, all of them cause an individual to feel lousy.
The most common forms of anxiety disorders include general anxiety, agoraphobia, social anxiety, PTSD, specific phobias, OCD and separation anxiety disorder. There is no set of tests that can diagnose these disorders, but there are four signs that point to a person suffering from an anxiety disorder. This includes a high level of distress, persistent panic, avoidance of things out of fear and these worries interfering with day-to-day life.
An anxiety disorder could significantly impact the life of those suffering from it. Thus, it is important to understand what can be done, beyond seeking medical treatment, to help offset the losses and harms caused by this mental disorder. Financial hardships could occur because a person cannot leave the house and go to work. This is where SSD benefits cold significantly help an individual, helping them cover their basic living needs while they receive treatment for their mental condition.