The Social Security Administration (SSA) holds strict guidelines for who they let part of their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits program. Meaning, if you are suffering from a physical, mental, or emotional disability, they may not simply take your word for it. Rather, they may require you to supply them with a preponderance of evidence of your disability before being granted their legitimate consideration. Follow along to find out what proof you need to prove your disability and how a proficient New Jersey SSDI benefits lawyer at The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur can help you collect what you need for your application.
What medical proof do I need to prove my disability?
You must understand that the SSA holds an exclusive list of physical, mental, and emotional disabilities that qualify for their SSDI benefits program. Namely, their recognized categories include musculoskeletal system impairments; special senses and speech impairments; respiratory disorders; cardiovascular system impairments; digestive system impairments; genitourinary disorders; hematological disorders; skin disorders; endocrine disorders; congenital disorders that affect multiple body systems; neurological disorders; mental disorders; cancer; and immune system disorders. This is to say that you must gather medical proof that confirms your incurrence of an eligible disability.
Namely, you must collect medical reports and test results dating back to when you stated your disability first started. This is so you may establish your disability onset date. Also, you may want to include medical reports and test results as recent as the past six months or so. This is especially important if your disability is rapidly progressing. With this, you may want to ask your primary healthcare provider to write a statement on how your disability has drastically impacted your life for the worse.
Lastly, if the SSA orders you to a consultative examination, you must attend it without question. This is because, at this point, they may deem that you have provided insufficient medical proof of your disability. Therefore, they may require the findings from this exam to decide your eligibility once and for all.
What proof of employment do I need to qualify for SSDI benefits?
The second part of SSDI benefits eligibility is proving that your qualifying disability is so severe that it makes you incapable of returning to your job or field of work. Therefore, you must also supplement your application with employment-based proof.
For example, you may provide a list of the tasks required by the job field of work who are qualified to work in. Then, with the support of your medical proof, you may explain how your disability prevents you from fulfilling these tasks. You may even ask your employer to write a statement on how your disability makes returning to your job post infeasible.
Of note, depending on your specific disability, the SSA may list specific requirements for medical and employment-based proof you must provide. That said, there is no time like the present to get started on your application. So, at your earliest possible convenience, please get in touch with a talented New Jersey SSDI benefits lawyer from The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur.