Whether you are unable to work because of an acute hand or arm injury, or are prevented from doing your job because of a chronic condition like carpal tunnel syndrome, the experienced attorney at The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur is here to help you get the SSD benefits you deserve and need.

SSD Benefits For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in New Jersey

We have helped hardworking people across North and South New Jersey claim important government benefits, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), to supplement private insurance as well as workers’ compensation claims. Workers deserve the resources they need to get adequate treatment and support themselves while they are unable to work. We do everything possible to ensure they get every benefit available to them.

Disability Benefits For Carpal Tunnel And Other Hand And Arm Conditions

Anyone can become susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome or other hand/arm conditions. While some people may associate these conditions with clerical workers and others who use keyboards and any other office equipment for extended periods of time, according to the National Institutes of Health, carpal tunnel syndrome is three times more common among assemblers than data entry workers.

Left untreated, carpal tunnel and other injuries can result in severe and permanent nerve damage. This is why it is especially important that people with these conditions seek medical treatment; if they are unable to work because doing so would more seriously injure them, they should also seek legal help to determine if they are eligible for SSDI benefits.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation | Hablamos Español

The Law Offices of Sheryl Gandel Mazur staunchly supports all those who’ve developed disabilities and can no longer return to work because of them. If you’re looking to collect SSD benefits for carpal tunnel syndrome or any other hand/arm injury, please don’t hesitate to contact us for free today.

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